The section shows some synthetic studies made using MARE2DEM. Synthetic
forward studies can be highly useful for determining whether or not a
given structure generates a detectable MT or CSEM response and for
seeking out the optimal frequency range for maximizing the anomalous
signals. Once you establish whether or not a structure can generate a
detectable EM response signal, the next test is to carry out synthetic
inversion studies to see if the data can resolve the structure, since
non-uniqueness in EM inversion means data sensitivity does not
necessarily translate into data resolution. Synthetic inversion
studies can also be used to optimize receiver and transmitter layouts,
frequency ranges, impacts of various relative and absolute noise levels,
Modified from: Key, K., & Siegfried, M. R. (2017), The feasibility of
imaging subglacial hydrology beneath ice streams with ground-based
electromagnetics. Journal of Glaciology, 331, 1–17. DOI:
10.1017/jog.2017.36. This
conceptual model study paper helped lead to funding for the SALSA EM
survey in Antarctica.